Healthy eyes and vision are especially important for infants and children. The visual skills developed during early life set the foundation for future learning. From birth, your child uses vision for learning and development. If your child is unable to respond or read at his or her age, the doctor provides an accurate evaluation using specialized objective procedures. In addition to a thorough internal and external eye health evaluation, the doctor will analyze the vision-related learning binocular skills like focusing, tracking, eye teaming, color and depth perception. The office has a playroom as well, so your child can warm up and have playtime so he or she can feel comfortable with the doctor during the examination.
Myopia is the condition commonly known as near or short-sighted. Myopia has become increasingly prevalent around the world in recent decades, resulting in a major health, social and economic burden. In fact, in 2010, myopia was estimated to be the main cause of distance visual impairment worldwide – and it is ranked as the second most common cause of blindness globally. Myopia management is a treatment plan focused on slowing the progression of myopia. Myopia can’t be cured, but controlling it is generally effective to keep vision from getting worse. Myopia management may also help prevent other complications later in life like glaucoma, and even retinal detachment. By preventing myopia progression, you can preserve your eye health longer. Treatments that can work to control myopia include orthokeratology (ortho-k) and atropine eye drops, and certain soft bifocal contact lenses. Ortho-k treatment involves wearing rigid contact lenses while you sleep. The contacts reshape the eye to improve the way it bends light. To see which method is right for your child, book a consultation appointment.
Contact lenses are an opportunity to go through your day with clear vision without having to wear glasses.In some cases, conventional styles of contact lenses may not be suitable for your eyes or lifestyle. If you have ever been told that your eyes are “hard-to-fit,” contact lenses may still be an option for you. Typical soft and rigid-gas-permeable styles may work for some, but not for all. We will perform a thorough eye examination to evaluate what contact lens options may work for you.
Dry eye symptoms affect millions around the world. Those who suffer from dry eye, have tried everything, and still quietly suffer. Left untreated, they progress to the disease state which start to affect people’s vision, quality of life and work productivity. Dry eye does not resolve on its own, it continually progresses. You do not need to suffer any longer. Learn more about our Dry Eye Clinic.